Cover Page
Counting Down Tobias' Return by Geoffrey Hoppe
Tobias' Farewell - Midsummer New Energy Conference
Adamus Saint-Germain's New Energy Mystery School

From Home to Human - Tobias' School 1 & 2

Shoud 11 - Tobias' Last Monthly Meeting
Tobias Trivia
Shaumbra Creations
Shaumbra Heartbeat
Shaumbra Speaks
Sacred South of
France Tour
Shaumbra Institute Teacher Presented Classes
Tobias' Returning Song Contest
Shaumbra Events with Geoff and Linda

Your gifts make it possible to continue growing the Crimson Circle and offering the Tobias materials free of charge through our website. We strive to make it easy for Shaumbra worldwide to access our materials, workshops and products. Please visit our Gifts page to see the many ways you can help.


Unlocking Your Divine Potential

TThe Seven Seals was first channeled by Tobias at the Midsummer New Energy Conference on July 19, 2003. It’s become one of Tobias’ most popular and well-read channels ever. Tobias’ Seven Seals offers a new interpretation of the mysterious Seven Seals mentioned in the biblical book of Revelations. According to Tobias, the Seven Seals are universal belief systems about our separation from Spirit, the understanding of Self, the darkness, sin and guilt, and the need for suffering and salvation. Tobias says that we can unlock the door of the belief systems in order to free our divine selves.

The Seven Seals has now been rechanneled by Tobias with the beautiful musical accompaniment of Yoham. The session was recorded in Tel Aviv, Israel in February 2009. During the 80-minute journey Tobias takes the listener through the process of gently opening each of the seven seals as the music enhances the experience into the deep realms of consciousness.

This collaboration between Tobias and Yoham, along with the sacred nature of the seven seals, makes this one of the most transformational journeys you can experience with the Tobias materials.

• Digital download: $15 USD
• Physical CD set: $20 USD (Available soon)

For more information andto order:
Click Here-US Store


IIn his last channeled visit to Israel, Tobias speaks passionately of his love for the land and his plan to return one day when embodied on Earth as the one he calls “Sam.”

In the first of this two-channel set, Tobias speaks in depth about the deep freedom found in letting go of family, ancestry, belief systems and especially the mind. He says, “What more is there on Earth than to be free and experience life? Particularly as we go into this New Energy, the need for experience and the need for freedom are going to be stronger than ever.”

In the 2nd channel, Tobias talks about the many, many human energies (lifetimes) that are buried in the land and how they are now beginning to arise and awaken as they feel “the end of old times.” Tobias explains how Shaumbra can help these energies find their way back to the angelic realms simply by being New Energy Standards and beacons of light, and radiating in the Now moment. This will help these old energies find their resolution rather than bringing more irritating and chaotic energy to the people and land of this region.

In the very rich Question & Answer session Tobias speaks about many topics including creating in the New Energy, abundance, sleep issues, adolescence, New Energy channeling, relationships and many other topics.

With the intensity and focus that he brings to these sessions, one can clearly feel Tobias’ deep passion for life and living on Earth in the New Energy.

This set includes two channels plus Q&A, recorded live in Tel Aviv Israel on February 14, 2009.

2 CD set - $25 (available soon)
MP3 digital download - $20
PDF transcript - $15

For more information and to order:
Click Here-US Store
Click Here-European Store

Crimson Circle Store
May 2009 Newsletter
Shaumbra Speaks

Shaumbra Speaks - Feedback from Shaumbra around the world and a sampling of recent postings on the Crimson Circle Message Board

Am I Ready?

NO. I'm not taking full responsibility of my life. YET. For I'm willing to do so, but there are still issues that are holding me back - issues which I allow to hold me back or issues I created to hold me back:

LAZINESS - I'm lazy. I don't like to work, don't like to answer the knock on my door, don't like to dance with everything that comes into my life.

FEELING A VICTIM - Of course I know I have to get over it, but still feeling a victim sometimes, don't like the energy of the old earth and the energy of some people. Although I'm willing to love humanity.

BEING BIPOLAR - Switching between both sides of duality, allowing all the energies to come in. I know they are not mine, I'm only feeling them. But knowing I have many days off in my life is holding me back in living my full potential.

I'VE DONE ENOUGH - This is the key of my laziness and my victimhood. I'm tired. I've done enough. It was tough and I don't want any more tough work.

WAITING - I don't know what to do. I'm still waiting for that invitation to come. From someone who speaks to the qualities I have so I can finally show myself to the world. (And I don't want to accept this invitation coming from Tobias…. so I guess I can wait forever, until I invite myself!)

WAITING - For my team, because I don't feel like operating on my own.

I'm willing to take full responsibility for my life, to step out of all these issues and to go further. For I see very clearly that's the only way. So I'm also wondering how can I let myself truly, fully, 100% say yes to my life?

Of course by trusting, by eating the other half of the elephant and most of all - by ENJOYING life!

LAZINESS - Is not a problem. I don't have to work, I only have to stay in my joy, and in joy answer the knock on my door, and dance which everything that comes into my life.

FEELING A VICTIM - Is not a problem anymore. When I'm in my joy, I don't feel a victim, and my life is just gorgeous. Then there is so much love for me and my life that everyone is laughing at me, and there are no irritating moments, for I don't irritate myself.

BEING BIPOLAR - Switching between both sides of duality, allowing all the energies to come in, is no problem at all. It's celebrating both sides of duality, knowing they will come together. It IS living my full potential.

I'VE DONE ENOUGH - Yes, I have. So I don't have to DO anything anymore, I just have to BE. I can rest. I can sit down and enjoy. I can hang around and be free. It doesn't have to be tough any more.

WAITING - Is not a problem. If I don't know what to do, I just do nothing. I just know when the invitation comes from deep within, from myself and then I go for it. It doesn't have to be as structured and organized as I was used to. It can be chaotic and joyful, as all the things I did from deep within.

WAITING - For my team, because I don't feel like operating on my own. This is ok. One time I operate alone, other time I operate with others. It doesn't have to be the same team every time. And my celestial team is always standing by.

So am I ready? Can I also be ready and not ready at the same time? I guess I AM ready, but I do not always choose to be. At that moment I'm as silly as silly humans can be! So the best I can do is laugh at myself, and allow myself to make a few silly mistakes, and to be in a few silly irresponsible moments, knowing I will just grow into it!



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Feeling New Energy

This new energy is a very weird thing - so alive and like.... it's like I am mineral water and the new energy is like.... it makes me a sparkling mineral water, with really a lot of bubbles.



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Influenza Opportunity

Dear Shaumbra, this is the first time I ever use the board. I am Mexican, living in Mexico, experiencing this unbelievable experience of the swine flu. I've heard and read all kinds of conspiracy theories, and I realized that even if any of them may be true, it doesn't matter. This event, as I see it from here, is the manifestation of fear, as many of you have said, but it has also provided many people with the chance to stop for a while. At first, it is hard to stop, but I'm feeling some people are taking this time to think (and feel in their own way) what is going on in their lives. I've also seen the world alert as a sign of how leaders don’t know what to do, as Tobias said.

All I know is that it is the time for all of us to become what we are here to be, as each one chooses to. We are here to bring in potentials, to open up our consciousness so that anyone, leader or not, who is searching for answers and ideas, can tap into it. We can stay away from adding our consciousness into drama, but we also can open new spaces for those who are looking. Earth is home, we are home and here to become the message of ourselves. Let's use it, not only for the disease, but for every area in our human lives which may benefit from all this turmoil. Love to all.



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Thank you for sharing your experience with joy.

I myself came to discover the simplicity and efficiency of focusing on joy right after the quantum leap, which I feel helped to accelerate my final awakening 3 months later. It now helps me keep life simple and experience and embody the light and love that I am.

With joy I mean an unconditional state of being, the natural state of your essence that vibrates in each cell of you and in every breath you take. It lies in the very still core of what I call Presence. It is a frequency of light and it IS.

It is unlike the feeling we call joy that is conditional: based on certain experiences (i.e. going to the beach, having an inspiring meeting, receiving a gift), having a certain form (smiley me, partying me, funny me, loved me), or a connection to a certain behavior or expression (dancing, creating). It actually is the opposite; those experiences and expressions are born from joy. I find joy to be at the core of everything. My presence on this earth in this body in this time originates from joy.

The only thing we can do is to simply allow it and receive it. So simple it is. There are different ways to allow it or focus on it and embody more of it. We could indeed share our experiences if you still wish. However, you are already experiencing joy. YOU have the key to your joy.

I have the feeling that you find it too simple and therefore think that it cannot be true, what makes you look for a methodology. There is no methodology. There are natural tools. You have so beautifully described it in your message. You are already using it as your standard technology, so why not just keeping in that flow and receiving more of it?

Also, just like what happened to me, you may be discouraged by those moments or days in which you do not feel joy. I noticed that even then I can keep focusing on the knowingness that I am joy. This knowingness helps to allow and embrace ALL the feelings you have, just like you allow and embrace joy. Even if you FEEL different, you still ARE joy in your essence. It does not mean that you need to improve yourself and need a methodology to get better at it.

By the way ~ who told you that you are new to this? You are already there. It is you in your core essence.



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Obituary for A Bored Aspect

Ima Bored, of the young age of 29, tragically died a slow and painful death in the early hours of the morning. The cause of death for Ms. Bored, a former resident of No-Town USA, was absolute and utter boredom. Her final words before she died were, "I am bored out of my mind!"

Ima Bored had no occupation for several years after quitting her job at the Bored Factory due to the development of a rare disease called Expotential Boredomiosis. This disease continued to grow until ultimately she was bored to her death.

Ms. Bored's only living relative is her mother, Ima Aspect, who gave her up for adoption at a young age. Ms. Bored grew up at the PartsNPieces Orphanage and had no friends, hobbies, or interests.

During the last stretch of her life, Ima Bored attended a local No-Town church and desperately prayed for her disease to be cured, but unfortunately God wasn't listening.

If you have known Ima Bored and would like to attend her funeral to see her buried for good, the service will be held at the Church of Aspectology, located on Freedom Road, at Now-o'clock.

May she rest in peace.




(If you would like to send us your comments, insights or feedback, please write to [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, spelling and grammar.)

Crimson Circle™, Shaumbra™, Tobias of the Crimson Council™, Tobias of the Crimson Circle™, and Adamus Saint-Germain™, are registered trademarks of Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado USA. All rights reserved. Do not use in any manner or form without the express written consent of the copyright holder.